Attention Network Marketers:
"How To Magnetically Attract Eager Reps And Customers Like A Top 1% Earner, Without Pestering Friends And Family, Spamming On Social Media Or Prospecting Ever Again..."
Discover What Your Upline Is Not Telling You: Why You Never Need To Prospect Ever Again...Plus How To Attract A Steady Flow Of Hot Prospects Eager To Buy

The stats are CRAZY. More than 90% of home business owners actually lose money every month!

My name is Steve Jaffe. Let me tell you a story that just might change your life.
After 6 years in network marketing doing everything (I mean, everything) my upline told me to do, all I had to show for it was a pile of debt, shattered self-esteem, and confusion about why I failed.
Maybe I'm just stubborn, but I refused to give up.
I was not going to resign myself to another J.O.B.- building some else's dream!
As you can guess from the headline above, I did eventually make it. In fact I reached $30,000 income months, then took my business beyond that, and became an all-time top earner in my opportunity.
You're probably wondering, what changed? How did I turn it all around, and quickly?
Did I Become A Master "Closer", Or A Big Social Media Influencer, Or Create Some Fancy "System"?
Did I "show the plan" to all my friends and family?
Did some "hot" new company or product make the difference?
Absolutely not.
In fact I came across a powerful marketing strategy, used effectively for years in many other industries, which hadn't yet taken root in network marketing. In short,
I Discovered A Totally New Way To Build A Network Marketing Business!
I joined network marketing to leave the long hours and stress of Corporate America.
During my first 6 years in network marketing, I studied the industry with the same intensity I applied to get my undergrad degree from Stanford University, and my master's degree in business (MBA) from MIT.
"I'm smart", I thought, "I should be able to CRUSH it in this network marketing thing!"
I attended over 60 webinars, bought dozens of training courses, listened to personal development audios almost daily, and attended live training events all around the country.
Despite my efforts, I had a TINY network marketing team, I was spending more than I earned, and I was no where close to my financial dreams.
Nothing seemed to work, and all I kept hearing from my upline was the same old stuff:
Everything sounded like pep rally hype and propaganda.
But what I needed was real, professional marketing strategies that would generate leads and cashflow.
I needed my business to actually WORK.
After 6 years of struggling in network marketing I finally realized the truth that changed my life forever:
Nearly Everything I Was Taught By The Network Marketing "Establishment" Was Complete B.S.!
Even though for years I'd swallowed it all, hook, line and sinker, I had this persistent feeling there just HAD to be a better way to build a network marketing business!
Lucky for me the answer was clear as a mountain lake when I knew where to look.
And guess what?
Building this business the right way turned out to be much easier, and more fun, than using those old school strategies!
I hated prospecting. I despised trying to turn every social outing and family event into an opportunity to cajole people into attending a 3-way call with my upline.
And I was NOT going to use Facebook and other social media sites to try to prospect everyone with a pulse. ("Hi! Looks like we're both home business owners. Do you keep your financial options open?" I'm expanding in your area".) Blah, blah blah.
That spammy approach always struck me as unprofessional and just like a job, just trading time for money. After all, the second you stop chasing people on social media, or offline, your business dries up!
What I needed was a repeatable way to get prospects to approach me. And generate cashflow immediately. And I had to empower my downline to do the same thing. So I looked outside the industry for new strategies, and found the solution in direct response internet marketing.
I discovered having the best company, product or opportunity on the planet means nothing - unless you have a real marketing strategy in place that will attract people to you who are already looking for what you're offering.
Here's the truth that transformed my network marketing career and my life:
No Prospect Is Worth Your Time Unless They Have Actively Sought You Out, And Requested More Information
This concept is the foundation of a very innovative approach to recruiting people into any network marketing business called...
"Attraction Marketing"
Attraction Marketing is about being the hunted, not the hunter. You don't try to recruit friends and family. You do not spam your opportunity and products all over social media. You don't focus on prospecting or berate your team for not being willing to "Go For No" and face rejection day in and day out.
Instead, you get people to come to you. In the mind of your prospect, you become a welcomed guest...instead of an annoying pest!
(And you even get paid even if they don't join your team. More on that in a bit...)
The easiest way to accomplish this is to deliver valuable instructional content to your target audience in advance of asking for the sale. So you cultivate trust, establish authority and position yourself as a trusted advisor.
You differentiate from the masses of spammy, needy network marketers out there hustling everyone in sight for a signup or product sale.
Here's the reality:
Your business requires a perpetual stream of people approaching you to join your team or purchase your product.
Your first issue is everyone sees you as a salesperson just trying to get them into your "deal".
Your only options in the cold market are to chase strangers at the mall, at restaurants, etc. Or cold-approach people on social media. Or buy leads from a "leads broker", then make 50-100 cold calls every day to try and close these leads.
Your second issue is these leads don't know you, never requested what you're offering, and don't trust you at all. Still you have to try to close them, which creates a TON of rejection and usually leads to burnout.
No thanks!
Fortunately, Attraction Marketing is about marketing, not selling. And there's a huge difference between the two!
Good marketing gets people to close themselves on what you're offering, so being "salesy" never enters the equation, and your prospects never raise objections.
The Key Is To Get The Customer To Approach You First...
And keep them coming to you until they place an order, because the moment you start to chase your prospects, everything breaks down.
Attraction Marketing is more than just a website or a "system". It's a strategy that leverages online technologies and tools to magnetically attract people to you, almost like magic.
It transforms your little, struggling business into a lead-creating, customer and business partner-attracting, profit producing entity where everything hums along efficiently.
Does it really work?
You bet it does. Everything changed once I started implementing Attraction Marketing into my business.
Leads started flowing in DAILY. People from all round the country (even some overseas) started emailing me, and messaging me on Facebook, asking how they could join my opportunity.
Within about 6 months I hit my first $20,000 income month. 2 months later I hit my first $30,000 income month. Pretty soon I was winning company awards. And getting invited to be a featured speaker at large industry events.
And Now I'd Like To Reveal My Methods To You
I'm going to share with you the exact Attraction Marketing strategies I've used that will empower anyone in ANY network marketing or direct sales opportunity to build a thriving business, without having to prospect, be a "salesperson", or be some sort of technical wizard.
Let's Be Absolutely Clear About Something...
I struggled in network marketing, without making a dime of profit, for 6 years.
You don't have to be a genius to realize this is a FAR more effective way to build a large, lucrative network marketing business. You work smarter and attract a steady stream of new distributors and customers who seek you out, ready to pull out a credit card and BUY NOW.
Fortunately for you I've spent the last several months putting into writing all of the Attraction Marketing strategies and tactics I used to build a 6-figure business from scratch. And, for the first time ever, I'm giving you the opportunity to get your hands on these powerful strategies in my new course, The Top Earner Code™.
Here's What You'll Learn In The Pages Of My Course, The Top Earner Code™

Imagine if you knew:
- How to recruit 15-25 people or more each month effortlessly without prospecting, objections, or silly "is this a pyramid?" questions.
- The secrets to earn $600-$1,500 in your first 30 days in business, while generating hundreds of FREE leads!
- How to create a follow up email campaign that pulls in leads and money 100% on autopilot - even when you're spending time with family, or doing other things.
- A powerful secret to (ethically) attract customers and new reps to you, almost hypnotically, so you NEVER have to chase people like a common street hustler.
- How to immunize your business from attrition and competition permanently so you rapidly grow a successful business and rank advance quickly in your company.
- How to generate a leads list of THOUSANDS of network marketers who are sold on network marketing, are in the market for a new opportunity, and who approach you and ask YOU to join your team.
- The simple way to get prospects to pay you BEFORE you ever speak to them. (This is how top producers play the game today...)
- A proven path to get future business partners and customers to pursue you like a trusted advisor or a "micro-celebrity", even if you're just getting started.
- The painless way to recruit and sponsor new reps with the magic of "pipeline" marketing.
- How to earn over $100,000 per year from the prospects who said "No" to your opportunity. (Read that again. This one strategy alone will change EVERYTHING in your business.)
- The one and only reliable way to create a real, long term residual income in network marketing and direct sales. NOTE: This has nothing to do with your opportunity, downline or products, none of which you actively control.
- How to create downline duplication rates 7x-11x the industry average - without ever hand-holding your team, doing 3-way calls, or doing home or hotel events.
- A unique strategy to eliminate the zeros in your downline report while also dramatically increasing retention and average order size.
- The important difference between "sorting" and "selling" - and why only rookies sell! (A common, yet business-crushing, mistake.)
- The surprising reason why NOT leading with your company and opportunity is essential to rank-advance in your company quickly and build a large downline.
- And much more...
My Strategies Have Been Successfully Adopted By Both Network Marketing Newbies And Seasoned Professionals With DRAMATIC Results...

Dr. Lisa T.
Eden Prairie, MN
4 New Sales Totaling $1,000...People Are Now Seeking Me Out As The Authority And Leader!"
"Before I met Steve I was unable to make any sales. Since taking Steve's training and applying his techniques, I wound up making 4 new sales totaling $1,000. But the best part is I can now print money on demand and people are now seeking me out as the authority and leader in the marketplace! Thanks Steve, you've made a huge difference in my business!"

April T.
Merritt Island, FL
"This Is A Game Changer...I Had My First 5 Figure Week!"
"This is a game changer for anyone struggling in their home business. This is the number one strategy you must have. I was able to implement 2 of Steve's many tactics in a short time and had my very first 5 figure week. I know this course will help you in your business!"

Mark H.
Trinity, FL
"What Steve Teaches Is Right On The Money!"
"I applied a lot of the principles that Steve teaches, and I've got to tell you, I've seen my results go through the roof. What he teaches is right on the money. I can't recommend this course enough!"

Curt M.
Austin, TX
"$8,910 In Sales!"
"I just added some of Steve's suggestions. Here are the numbers: 30 people bought (all at $297). $8,910 in sales. AWESOME!"
There Is No Doubt That The Top Earner Code™ Will Change The Way You Do Business In This Industry Forever.
The fortunate people who have implemented the strategies revealed inside The Top Earner Code™ have walked away as true master network marketers with the ability to join any opportunity and become a top earner quickly.
Inside these 86 pages, I reveal the strategy to generate leads, cashflow and signups at will using the Internet, so you can build a thriving network marketing empire in ANY opportunity.
You'll learn all the strategies I've used to consistently attract leads, cashflow, new reps and customers that have made becoming a top earner automatic and created a life of true freedom.
As you read these proven, potent insights, you'll begin to understand how they can transform your business - and your life - whether you're an experience veteran or a newbie.
And it does not matter what company, opportunity or product line you promote because the strategies inside The Top Earner Code™ work with ALL opportunities, all product lines, and every comp. plan.
But first, here are the...
3 Questions You Might Be Thinking, And The Answers:
1: "Steve, will this work for me? Am I really going to learn the step-by-step strategy you used to go from ground zero to having your first $30,000 month within months?"
Answer: Yes! The book contains the entire strategy.
2: "What if I'm experienced? Will I learn anything new?" Answer: You bet. If you've had some success with old school strategies, the strategies inside The Top Earner Code™ can extend the reach and scale of your business dramatically.
3: "Is this a physical book I have to wait days to receive by mail?" Answer: No. This is an online course you can download instantly after you buy, so you can start transforming your business and your life - quickly.
Fortunately for you, I've made this simple for you. I've put in years of effort and energy to learn, implement and refine the strategies found inside The Top Earner Code™, culling out any time-wasting fluff. Once you learn these strategies, they're yours forever...You are in the driver's seat. No one will ever be able to take these secrets away from you.
Once you see how lucrative and easy-to-implement these strategies are, you'll never want to build your business any other way again which means you'll probably be shocked at the incredibly small investment I'm practically giving it away for..
Forget Over-Priced $2,000, $1,000, Or 'Flavor Of the Month' Courses With Strategies That Won't Work In 6 Months...
Truth be told, I could sell The Top Earner Code™ for that much, and it would be worth it, because it's not theory, or "self help" stuff found elsewhere. And it's certainly not some "trick" that won't work in 6 months or a year once FaceBook or Instagram or YouTube changes some feature on their site.
I'm going to make you an offer so incredible and so generous, you would have to be slightly insane to pass it up.
Here's What You'll Get When You Order The Top Earner Code™:

The Top Earner Code™ 109-Page Ebook
Over 9 Chapters and 86 pages you'll learn EXACTLY how to go from ground zero to top earner in ANY network marketing, direct sales or affiliate program.
Your life as a business owner will NEVER be the same again once you implement The Top Earner Code™ strategies and learn how to attract prospects and sales to you.

The Top Earner Code™ 17-Page Workbook
Simple fill-in-the blank exercises in this useful Workbook will empower you to learn quickly the key strategies from The Top Earner Code™ so you implement the tactics right away and get results FAST.
Using this straightforward Workbook you'll NEVER return to chasing prospects and using outdated "Old School" strategies ever again!

Bonus Video #1
The Ultimate Sales Formula
In this unique 3-part 50-minute video, you'll learn the EXACT 25-point sales closing script I've used to close hundreds of thousands of dollars of sales. I even used this script to close over $30,000 in sales on a webinar, in only 90 minutes! This sales script is EXTREMELY proven.
You'll learn the proven 25 step sales closing method to recruit and sell virtually at will - even if you're a newbie or haven't been comfortable selling before. Top earners know how to close. And so will you after you watch this powerful bonus training.

Bonus Video #2
Top Earner Influence & Persuasion Secrets
In this 39-minute training video you'll learn rarely-taught secrets used by top 1% income earners to influence and persuade the masses at will.
Multiple 5-figure months...A large flock of followers who buy virtually everything you offer...Retention rates that defy convention..It's ALL very possible when you understand the deep psychological triggers used by top earners to get people to SAY YES to your offers to join your opportunity or buy your products.
NOTE: These persuasion and influence strategies are VERY powerful. Please use these tactics responsibly.

Bonus #3
Audiobook Version Of The Top Earner Code™
Prefer to listen rather than read? No problem. You get a full, unabridged
MP3 audiobook version of the Top Earner Code™. Listen to the content while you drive, at the gym or anyplace else.
Because you can listen to the powerful content inside The Top Earner Code™ whenever you choose, your odds will SKYROCKET that you will absorb the course strategies, implement the tactics and vastly increase your income to top earner status.
Immediately After You Order You Can Instantly Access The Course And All Bonuses.
Immediately after you order The Top Earner Code™, you will receive an email with a link to access the course and bonuses instantly. So you can start transforming your business today.
And be assured there is absolutely zero risk when you order The Top Earner Code™.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you're not completely blown away with the course and bonus material, simply contact my Support team anytime within the next 30 days for a full and immediate, no questions asked refund.
Now Here's The Best Part...
All of this incredible information isn't going to cost you hundreds of dollars. Yes, it would still be an incredible bargain at that price but,
...The truth is, you can get your very own copy of the revolutionary The Top Earner Code™ Course, the bonus The Top Earner Code™ 17-page Workbook, the "The Ultimate Sales Formula" 50-minute bonus training video, the "Top Earner Influence & Persuasion Secrets" 39-minute bonus training, plus the MP3 Audiobook Version Of The Top Earner Code™ you can listen to whenever and wherever you want right now for only $97.00.
Altogether that's 109 pages plus 1.5 hours of powerful video training that shows you exactly how I transformed my failing, money-sucking and time-draining network marketing business into a thriving six-figure income, for only about the price of one meal for you and your family at an average restaurant.
Just think... For LESS than the price of around 20 (supposedly live) leads, you can own the entire The Top Earner Code™ course forever! You'll never have to chase prospects again, and you'll never have to become a slick recruiter or sales person!
And like I said, this works for EVERY single network marketing, MLM or direct sales company. (Yes, it even works if your company is very "traditional").
The Top Earner Code™ Course Teaches You How To Attract Endless New Leads, Distributors, And Customers To You!
Click Here To Order Now For Only $97.00. All Orders Come With A 30-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Here Is My Personal Promise To You:
This book is unlike anything you have ever read before. It will absolutely change the way you do business in network marketing forever, or just send it back and I'll gladly send you a refund.
Remember, I found success when I stopped doing the things I've read about in so many other books - probably the things you are doing right now, so don't let this unique opportunity pass you by.

To get your copy, Click Here to order right now with our encrypted Secure Server, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will immediately be sent an email with a link to instantly access your copy of The Top Earner Code™ and all the bonus videos.

Steve Jaffe, MBA
P.S. I just want to make sure you understand how significant The Top Earner Code™ is to your career as a small business owner. If you're tired of spinning your wheels and throwing money down the drain, you simply can't afford to go a single day longer without the strategies contained within the The Top Earner Code™ Course.
P.S.S. The course will always be backed by my 100%, 30 day money back guarantee because I know how powerful the information is, but understand that the incredibly low introductory price is temporary, so pick up your copy of The Top Earner Code™ now before it's too late.
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